It’s important for students and parents to familiarize themselves with our school’s policies, as they promote a safe and supportive environment that fosters academic success. Please take the time to review and understand these guidelines.
Please inform your Provider if someone other than you will be picking up your child. You will be asked to provide names of those individuals who are approved to pick up your child in the application procedure. SHELC reserves the right to refuse to release a child to a person who appears physically, emotionally, or mentally unable to provide adequate care for the child as judged by the provider. We will not be able to release a child to an adult who appears intoxicated. In the event that this situation should arise, the provider will release the child to an authorized individual on the child’s emergency contact list who appears able to provide appropriate care for the child.
If your child is involved in an accident or injury, parents are notified immediately. Minor cuts and abrasions are cared for by the staff. Families agree not to hold SHELC or the staff responsible for illnesses or injuries beyond reasonable control to prevent. Incident Reports are filled out and signed by parents if your child gets hurt during the day and a copy is kept in the Providers file If the injury is out of our control, parents will be contacted to determine a course of action.
In the event a child becomes ill during the course of the day, to the point where they are not capable of participating in regular activities, the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately and be required to come pick the child up. If the parents/guardians can’t be reached the alternate emergency contact person will be called to come pick up the child. Allergy related and common cold symptoms as well as non-communicable diseases/illnesses do not require that the child be excluded from care.
If any of the following conditions are present, it is required that children be excluded from care: Children may return to care when they are free of symptoms or are approved to return by the Provider or in some extreme cases, by a medical doctor.
Parents are required to inform staff of any serious illness or communicable /contagious disease (with their child or within their family) within 24 hours to allow other families within the childcare center to be alerted.
SHELC will be allowed 4weeks vacation per year with 2 weeks paid. Parents will be given a 4week notice prior to vacation time off. All efforts will be made to find a suitable substitute. In the instance this is not feasible, please arrange for back up care.
SHELC will be allowed 10 personal days paid to take when sick, during doctor visits or in case of an emergency. Please be considerate that your provider needs time off to go to doctors, dentist and etc. to make sure she is in good health to provide quality care for your child. As stated above, a substitute will be utilized when suitable.
SHELC celebrates Holidays such as Easter, Harvest in lieu of Halloween (no scary costumes) and Christmas with classrooms parties, songs, stories, arts & crafts, and/or programs. We include, as part of the curriculum, traditional celebrations from many cultures present in our society.
Additionally, we have events that celebrate children literature. Please inform us if you object to child participating.
All medications are stored in a locked cabinet that is inaccessible to children. Children are not given any medication without the parents’ and Doctors written consent. Written consent may only be on a “Permission to Administer Medications” form and all medications must be in their original bottles with original labels. Staff must also indicate on the administering form the date, time and dosage of medicine given at each administration, and then initial this information. For all newly prescribed medications, parent or guardian must administer the first dose.
For prescription medication, only the directions on the bottle will be accepted for administering the medication. And in all instances staff need to know when the child received his/her last dosage of the medication, to ensure medication is given at appropriate times consistently. With any prescription antibiotics children may not return to care until they’ve had a full 24 hours of dosage, are no longer contagious and ready to participate in the full childcare day, to ensure they are well on the road to recovery.
All allergies (and dietary concerns) will be clearly posted in each room, on the refrigerator and written on the child’s emergency info/consent cards. If they do not have the appropriate symbols or ingredients list then they will not be served to anyone for safety reasons, and will have to be returned home, or discarded.
We strive to support your efforts of potty training at home through the day here at SHELC. However, there are some key signs to look for before we are able to help you train your child at the Childcare. The key signs of readiness for potty training include:
If these signs are not present, your child is not ready to potty train at the Childcare. As we cannot have a potty in each room for them to use.
Any potty-training progress made at SHELC must be reinforced at home by Parents.
No toys are to be brought from home.
Children are not allowed to watch TV. Unless it is curriculum related. TV/Technology is offered 30 minutes per week. Occasionally a movie is watched, rated (G). There will be absolutely no screen time for children under 2.
All children have a quiet time or nap time. A two-hour rest period is provided daily. Provisions for quiet activities are made for those who do not nap the entire time. Children need one small blanket for nap/rest time. Cots are provided. Blanket must be taken home every Friday to be laundered and brought back on Monday mornings.
Newsletters are sent home monthly. It includes: Notes from the office. Information about upcoming events, staff, birthdays and classroom activities
Check your child’s cubby weekly & Make Sure you sign your child in and out of care daily.
SHELC maintains an open-door policy for all currently enrolled families and visitors.
Families and visitors are welcome and encouraged to drop-in at any time during normal childcare hours. Families please feel welcome to call and check on your child at any time during the day. In order to protect our children, it is important that all visitors sign in at FRONT office. All doors will be locked.
Photographs, audio/videos and interviews will be taken on special occasions and throughout the year in connection with daily program activities by a combination of professionals. No photograph and/or interviews will be taken without the parent’s written/signed permission.